New feature launch: The iLovePDF Team workspace
Explore the features of the Team workspace, designed to help your business easily manage large numbers of files

Welcome to the Team workspace, the new feature from iLovePDF available on Web. The iLovePDF Team workspace is here to help businesses and professionals with efficient document management software.
Manage iLovePDF Premium licenses, assign team roles, and control team access by administering document settings to make your document management even smoother.
What is the iLovePDF Team workspace?
The Team workspace is a collaborative work environment developed to help manage multiple PDF licenses and apply useful settings to specific users.
From the Team tab, you can send team invitations, organize members into teams, assign settings to those teams, and manage the number of licenses you require accordingly. In short, it gives you control over who uses Premium iLovePDF tools and features, and how they do it.
An overview of the Team workspace features
- Obtain and manage multiple iLovePDF licenses.
- Invite users to your workspace.
- Organize members into teams.
- Set the roles of each member.
- Control document settings, such as default PDF/A conversion.
- Set which teams can utilize digital signatures.
- And much more to come!
The advantages of using the Team workspace for your business
Digital signatures & signature tracking
Put trust in the eSigning process by assigning access to digital signatures. Compared with a traditional signature, digital signatures have stricter security measures, third-party verification, and legal compliance regulations that produce more legally binding documents.
Within the eSignature service of iLovePDF, you can also track the progress of documents from the moment they are sent. Members with access to digital signatures can view the log of a document to see when it is sent, signed, or an action (such as successful password entry) has been made on the file.
Archiving and ISO conformance with PDF/A
Set the PDF/A conformance level to ensure documents are in the correct and optimized format for long-term archiving and ISO conformance levels. This is done by preserving the layout and critical information to ensure that the files used by these teams do not lose key information.
Competitive rates
As your company grows, the benefits grow with it. Adding more users means that your business can take advantage of more competitive Premium rates, and these rates are designed to be flexible to the needs of your company as it grows.
For more information on this, please contact our team to find tailored plans for your business.
What are the Team roles and what can they do?
The idea of the iLovePDF Team is to enable different levels of control over tools and features. Each role provides a different level of access, ranging from Admin to Team Member.
- Add, remove, and assign roles to team members.
- Create and delete teams.
- Edit and apply team settings.
Team Manager:
- Reassign team member roles.
- Use Premium license credits.
- Edit and apply a team’s settings.
Team Member:
- Use Premium tools and features within the team’s settings
How to access the iLovePDF Team workspace
It could't be easier to access our document management system. Each iLovePDF Premium member has access to one workspace that links to their account, and within this, multiple teams can be created.
A user is invited with their email address, or by importing CSV and Excel files so you don’t have to manually add multiple members.
- Create an account with iLovePDF if you haven’t already.
- Upgrade to a Premium to unlock access to the Team workspace.
- Go to the Team section of your workspace while being signed in to your iLovePDF Account.
- Select Invite members to start creating your team.
- Insert the email address of each team member in the Email box or upload them as CSV/Excel file, assigning their Team and Role.
- Purchase the number of licenses you need.
- From the workspace page you can create teams; invite new members; reassign teams; change roles; view your current licenses.
Create an account with iLovePDF and start building your team
Watch this workspace! More is still to come. On top of the existing features, our team is working with businesses and professionals to continue to bring new features to the Team workspace.
Create an iLovePDF account and go Premium to start managing your business documents with the iLovePDF Team workspace. Make managing files simple and start building your Team today,
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