How to add pages to PDF files

Easily add pages to PDFs or merge multiple files into one document.

May 2, 2023
How to add pages to PDF files

Need to add pages to a PDF? Add and delete PDF pages with this free online tool from iLovePDF. With the Organize tool, you can add a blank page to PDFs, rearrange PDF pages, and delete PDF pages.

Are you trying to merge PDF online? Another way to insert pages into PDF files is by merging multiple PDFs into one document with the Merge tool.

This post will outline how to use the iLovePDF tools to add blank pages and merge your PDF files together.

How to add pages to PDF documents

Use the Organize tool from iLovePDF to add pages to PDF online for free.

  1. Go to the Organize PDF tool.
  2. Upload the main PDF document that requires extra pages from your computer, Google Drive, or Dropbox. 
  3. To insert a blank page: Place your mouse over a page and click on the add a blank page icon marked with +.
  4. To add PDF pages from another file: Click on the red plus + at the top right of the page and upload the PDF file.
  5. Click Organize.
  6. Hit Download file to save the PDF to your local storage, or upload it to the cloud platforms. 

How to merge PDF files

If you need to add more than just a few blank PDF pages, then a more efficient tool is Merge PDF. With this tool, you can easily merge PDF pages into one document.

This is useful if you are trying to add multiple pages to your original PDF file from various documents.

  1. Go to the Merge PDF tool.
  2. Upload the first document or page you want to merge from your storage, Google Drive, or Dropbox.
  3. Click the red + to add more PDF documents.
  4. Click Merge PDF to combine your PDF pages. 
  5. Click Download merged PDF to save the files to your computer, or upload it to the cloud platforms.

Add page numbers to PDF & more 

Discover the rest of our tools to find even more PDF solutions. Now that you have your final PDF file with all the required pages, uploading your file to the rest of our tools is easy.

Add page numbers to PDF for improved organization, sign PDFs online with legally binding digital signatures, or scan paper documents to PDF using your mobile devices.

iLovePDF offers over 25 free tools that are designed to improve your document workflows with simple, user-friendly solutions. Start exploring the rest of the tools to find out what else they can do.

Heart file

Add pages to PDF online with iLovePDF

Go to the tool 

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