How to add smileys and hearts to PDF

Have fun editing PDFs with these emojis and symbols

Oct 23, 2023
Add smiley to PDF

If you're a big fan of emojis, you'll be beaming to discover that you can now jazz up a boring PDF with smiley faces and love hearts since the last release of iLovePDF's Edit PDF tool.

How to add smiley faces and hearts to PDF

You can also mark up files with colorful icons and special character symbols which can be inserted directly onto pages before sending to students, friends or colleagues.

Easy to use and accessed straight from the web, iLovePDF's PDF Editor lets you edit read-only documents with text, images, shapes, symbols and characters. In the updated Symbol Menu, you can find these new icons:

Which one are you?

Add smileys, heart stickers, question marks, exclamation marks and checks to PDF

Whether it's to mark a student's homework, or check your friend's sales pitch, the tool provides you with a quick, fun and easy way to share feedback on any document.

Smile quote from Phyllis Diller

Have more suggestions? Write to us

Maybe you have another symbol or special character which you use frequently to annotate files? If you have any favorites which you would like to see included in the next version of iLovePDF's PDF Editor, you can send your suggestions here.

Happy editing!

Heart file

Make somebody's day with a smile

Start editing

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